Support for Scientific Activities
According to the decision of the University Board dated 17.02.2022 and numbered 1346, in return for the participation of undergraduate, master's, and doctoral students registered in non-working programs in congresses, seminars, conferences, competitions, cultural, social, and sports activities, the following financial support is provided:
For domestic activities: 4,000.00 ₺
For neighboring countries: 6,000.00 ₺
For distant continent countries: 8,000.00 ₺
Directorate of Health, Culture, and Sports
Principles for Domestic and International Student Assignments
Objective and Scope
Article 1: The purpose of these principles is to regulate the temporary assignments of students whose expenses are covered by the budget of Istanbul Technical University Directorate of Health, Culture, and Sports, as envisaged in Article 39 of Law No. 2547 on Higher Education, for domestic and international assignments.
In the preparation of these implementation principles, the provisions of Law No. 6245 on Allowances and the Regulation on Principles to be Followed in Domestic and International Assignments, which are dependent on Law No. 2547 on Higher Education, were primarily taken into account.
General Principles for Assignments
Article 2: The annual support amounts that can be provided within the scope of domestic and international student assignments are defined as annual usage rights to the education units by the decision of the University Board at the beginning of each fiscal year and are published one week before the start of the fiscal year. The education units carry out the assignments of their students supported within the scope of the Student Design Project Competition from within their annual rights. The decision taken each year also includes the support amount per student to be provided according to the countries. Our units carry out their assignments within this framework during the fiscal year.
Article 3: For domestic and international assignments to be carried out, it is a requirement that the relevant unit's education and training programs are not disrupted, as determined by the Faculty Boards or Institute Boards upon the recommendation of the department chairman.
Article 4: In the assignments carried out, individuals who will turn the assignment into action are assigned. In assignments carried out within the scope of sports and cultural activities, team captains and group leaders who have student rights can be assigned regardless of whether they will perform the action or not.
Article 5: Individuals who will turn the assignment into action must have student rights as specified in Law No. 2547 on Higher Education, covering the dates of the activity. (Except for one-year preparatory classes for foreign languages, the maximum duration for associate degree programs is four years, for undergraduate programs is seven years, for programs that award both undergraduate and master's degrees is nine years, for master's programs is three years, and for doctoral programs is six years, starting from the semester in which courses related to the registered program are offered, regardless of whether they register for each semester or not.)
Article 6: For participation in the desired activity, it must be a refereed scientific event or regularly organized in the last 2 years (being in its 3rd edition).
Article 7: There must be an up-to-date website containing information about the desired activity.
Article 8: For applications for participation in international scientific events, the application must be made at least 60 days before the event date.
Article 9: University representation is required in the assignments to be carried out. Assignments will not be made for activities related to personal development (courses, training, concerts, festivals, etc.).
Article 10: Assignments can be carried out up to one day before the start date of the relevant activity and one day after the end date.
Article 11: In the assignments to be carried out, the applicant must meet the following conditions:
- The event should be considered significant in the field of science (e.g., international congress/conference, etc.).
- The applicant should be the sole presenter at the event.
- The applicant should be in Turkey at the time of application.
- The applicant's oral presentation should be accepted for at least 10 minutes at the relevant event (poster presentations can also be supported if it is documented that the event is only held with poster presentations).
(Amendment - Decision of the University Board dated 30.11.2017, No. 1168)
Article 12: Within each fiscal year, financial support can be provided to our university students twice, once for domestic assignments and once for international assignments. Assignments made to the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus will be considered as international. If the assignment date falls within two fiscal years, the year in which the assignment started will be taken into account.
Article 13: If financial support is received from another source for the desired activity, the source, amount, and scope of support must be indicated in the assignment letter to avoid duplicate expenses.
Article 14: Financial support will not be provided for participation as an audience member.
Article 15: Assignments for students who are being trained within the framework of the Faculty Member Training Program in accordance with Article 35 of Law No. 2547 on Higher Education will not be covered by the budget of the Directorate of Health, Culture, and Sports. Assignments of students in this status will be carried out by the Faculty Member Training Program Coordinatorship, and their expenses will be covered by the budget of the relevant Coordinatorship.
Article 16: Assignment documents are prepared as three original copies and distributed after approval, one copy at the Directorate of Health, Culture, and Sports, one copy to the assigned person, and one copy to the unit that made the assignment.
Information and Documents to be Included in Assignments;
Article 17: According to the types of activities,
(a) Required information and documents for scientific activities;
- Application letter,
- Student certificate covering the activity dates,
- Transcript document,
- Invitation and content of the activity,
- Approval letter from the department chair,
- Decision of the Faculty or Institute Board,
- Assignment letter approved by the Rector's Office prepared by the Faculty or Institute,
- Bank information form,
(b) Required information and documents for sports activities;
- Application letter,
- Student certificate covering the activity dates,
- Transcript document,
- Invitation and content of the activity,
- Approval letter from the department chair,
- Submitted to the University Board by the Sports Services Branch Directorate,
- University Board Decision,
- Bank information form,
(c) Required information and documents for cultural activities;
- Application letter,
- Student certificate covering the activity dates,
- Transcript document,
- Invitation and content of the activity,
- Approval letter from the department chair,
- Submitted to the Culture Services Branch Directorate,
- University Board Decision,
- Bank information form,
If participation in the event is carried out by multiple individuals, a collective travel expense declaration form should be prepared. The assigned individuals will not fill separate bank information forms; they will appoint an administrative or academic staff member of our university as the accountable person using the accountable appointment forms. The bank information form will be filled out for the accountable person for payment purposes.
Calculation of Travel, Participation, Accommodation Expenses, and Daily Allowances
Article 18: Calculation of travel expenses
(a) Domestic travel expenses:
For domestic travel expenses, transportation should be carried out by public transportation vehicles (except for airplanes). The assigned person can present supporting documents (invoice, ticket, etc.) for the public transportation vehicles or taxi fare between their residence address and the departure/arrival points of the scheduled transportation.
In the case of traveling by plane within the city, the amounts specified in the annually published Transport Base Rates from Istanbul and the Average Remuneration Table Based on 5018 Public Financial Management and Control Law will be taken into account.
No transportation expenses will be covered for assignments within the city.
(b) International travel expenses:
For temporary duty trips abroad, the ticket price, including express and sleeper wagon fares, is paid as travel expenses for train, ferry, or plane transportation. In addition, supporting documents (invoice, ticket, etc.) for transportation expenses between the station, port, or terminal and the place of residence can be presented as expenses.
Article 19: Calculation of participation fee expenses
(a) Domestic participation fee expenses:
Participation fees for domestic events can be shown as expenses by submitting the payment proof and the participation certificate proving that the participation took place. In case the organizing entity is unable to issue an invoice, the Expenditure Note prepared based on the Public Financial Management and Control Law No. 5018 can be used for expense documentation.
(b) International participation fee expenses:
Participation fees for international events can be shown as expenses by submitting the payment proof and the participation certificate proving that the participation took place. In case the organizing entity is unable to issue an invoice, a duly prepared certified document indicating that the expense has been incurred can be used for expense documentation.
Article 20: Calculation of daily allowances
(a) Calculation of domestic daily allowances:
The daily allowance amounts for domestic assignments are determined by the Budget Law published annually. There is no daily allowance payment for assignments carried out within the city.
(b) Calculation of international daily allowances:
The amounts of daily allowances to be given for international assignments are determined by the Council of Ministers based on the monthly or salary amounts of civil servants and employees, as well as the nature of the assignment, and for the fiscal year, upon the proposal of the Ministry of Finance. In case expenses are covered by a foreign state, international organization, or other official institutions according to special agreements, these payments will be deducted from the daily allowances.
Article 21: Calculation of accommodation expenses
(a) Coverage of domestic accommodation expenses:
For scientific, cultural, and sports events organized domestically (organized by federations), students' accommodation expenses incurred during their participation can be reimbursed up to the full amount of their daily allowances, as long as it does not exceed the document amount and is limited to a maximum of ten days each time.
(b) Coverage of international accommodation expenses:
For temporary duty assignments from Turkey to abroad, if the expenses paid for accommodation are documented with an invoice, students can be reimbursed up to 70% of the exceeding amount if the daily accommodation fee indicated on the invoice, which is calculated with a 50% increase, exceeds 40% of their daily allowances, limited to the first ten days of their assignment.
Article 22: After the assignment, the assigned person must complete the document and paperwork requested from them and, if they have received an advance, settle the advance within one month from the date of entry into the country. Otherwise, the assigned person or persons will be subject to the provisions of Law No. 6245 on Allowances. All financial responsibility for the assignments belongs to the assigned person, and they are obliged to fulfill their responsibilities when necessary.
Article 23: If the budget possibilities of the Directorate of Health, Culture, and Sports are sufficient, advances can be paid to the applicants before the assignment. Advance payments can be made no earlier than two weeks before the assignment date.
Article 24: All necessary documents for domestic and international activities must be submitted to the Directorate of Health, Culture, and Sports before the assignment date. Applications made after the assignment date will not be accepted under any circumstances.
Documents to be submitted after the assignment
Article 25:
- Original transportation invoice or ticket issued in the name of the participant for all types of activities,
- Original accommodation invoice if it covers accommodation expenses,
- Original invoice or receipt if participation fee is paid (credit card statement or bank account statement will not be accepted),
- Organizational-approved participation certificate showing that the participant realized the assigned task,
- Copy of the passport for international departures (clear photocopies of the front page, identity information, and pages containing entry and exit visas),
- Domestic/International travel expense declaration form duly completed and approved by the unit that made the assignment.
Article 26: These implementation principles entered into force on the date of the decision numbered 956, taken by the University Board on 07.02.2013.
(Changed by the decision numbered 1044 by the University Board on 19.02.2015)
(Changed by the decision numbered 1134 by the University Board on 16.03.2017)
(Changed by the decision numbered 1168 by the University Board on 30.11.2017)
Article 27: These implementation principles are executed by the Rector of Istanbul Technical University.